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CoinDash Beta The CoinDash beta will implement the features from the SaaS and Network layers, with the following features: Portfolio management - Users will be able to add their ethereum accounts to a dashboard showing them useful insights about their performance as investors (benchmark against the market, Risk, diversification)

Here is a demo of CoinDash beta (video is 4:09 long): Bitcoin Derivatives Platform Designed for Merchants. San Francisco, California, United States; 1-10; Private; ; 406,259; Recent News & Activity Cryptocurrency events calendar. Coin and blockchain events & news live: halving, airdrop, release, hard fork, listing. CoinDash is a blockchain startup, and currently, the CoinDash website is just a log-in page asking for the user’s Google sign-in info and giving a very short description of the company. The firm focuses on cryptocurrency social trading and offers portfolio management tools for those who invest in various forms of cryptocurrency, which Blox is a social platform where crypto investors can monetize their expertise and connect with other investors.

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2018 - 16:08. CoinDash dostal už v septembri 10-tisíc jednotiek etherea práve z peňaženky, ktorá sa pri incidente objavila. Teraz získala ďalších 20-tisíc. Z celkovo odcudzených 43 400 jednotiek si teda zločinec nechal ešte 13 400.

Kromě toho však do peněžnky samozřejmě můžete vložit další hlavní kryptoměny , jako jsou Bitcoin, Litecoin, Binance Coin, Dash a tak dále. Kromě toho, že je 

Coindash novinky

V auguste dosiahol celkový trh kryptomeny 12/18/2017 CoinDash údajně ztratil 7,5 milionů dolarů tímto způsobem. „Sociálně vektor“ útoky Skupina-IB vysvětluje, že tento druh útoku cíle projektu členů prostřednictvím sociálních sítí, fóra a média zdrojů. Po článku z našej série ,,Spoznaj svoju kryptomenu“, kde bola predstavená kryptomena Rupee, nastal doslova ošiaľ.Naše predstavenie a odporúčanie tejto kryptomeny bolo na cene 0,10c amerického dolára.Čo sa stalo o pár dní? Z denného objemu 52 tisíc amerických dolárov sa stalo 600 tisíc a cena vyletela neuveriteľne vysoko.

V červenci tohoto roku byla izraelská kryptoměnná obchodní platforma s názvem CoinDash nabourána na úroveň Etheria v hodnotě 7 milionů dolarů. V roce 2016 bylo v éteru ukradeno více než 50 milionů dolarů investorům, kteří mají prostředky v Decentralizované autonomní …

Coindash novinky

That's 13 mining monitor apps in one! Jul 18, 2017 · CoinDash Token Sale. Simply put, ICO is a fancy way of raising funds through digital currencies. However, in the case of CoinDash, the experience turned into a total nightmare. #CoinDash hacked. Investors believe they got scammed by the company! Click To Tweet How CoinDash was Hacked CoinDash Beta The CoinDash beta will implement the features from the SaaS and Network layers, with the following features: Portfolio management - Users will be able to add their ethereum accounts to a dashboard showing them useful insights about their performance as investors (benchmark against the market, Risk, diversification) The latest tweets from @coindashio Jul 17, 2017 · CoinDash, a blockchain technology startup that bills itself as a social-trading platform, said that its website was hacked Monday and $7 million was stolen from investors trying to participate in Jul 19, 2017 · The CoinDash Hack CoinDash is a blockchain startup focused on building a portfolio management platform and providing cryptocurrency social trading (i.e., where investors can follow how others are CoinDash ( CDT ) is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that offers both private and transparent transaction types.

Coindash novinky

CoinDash is leading the technological efforts in the portfolio/asset tracking space with our automated portfolio tracking beta version.

Founded in 2016 by Alon Muroch, the company employs between 11-50 people. Named one of the “Top 25 Israeli Influencers In Blockchain Technologies And Cryptocurrencies” by The Jerusalem Post, Muroch isn’t an amateur to the industry. CoinDash American tour started off with a blast! The team arrived first to Boston at May 18th straight to a local Ethereum Meetup at Mass Newbium is a platform for top crypto-currency market as well as coin information. Follow us to get latest updates. CoinDash is leading the technological efforts in the portfolio/asset tracking space with our automated portfolio tracking beta version.

The insights and experience from the past 3 months running the beta app set the stage to move to the next level, becoming an industry leader for portfolio/asset tracking. CoinDash: Into the future of Trading! Get insight about your crypto portfolio. Benchmark it against the market and other traders. Follow the best performing investors and invest exactly like them with the copy trade feature. Discover new opportunities, and new tools: ICO Dashboard, Automation investment and more Jul 03, 2017 · CoinDash is an interesting platform as it combines important social elements with a powerful, versatile trading platform that supports multiple digital currencies, and does this with the right features in mind. This makes it a platform that is beginner-friendly, while also having the power tools that advanced users require.

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Read our guides, tutorials and learn more about CoinDash. Friday last week, CoinDash published an announcement saying the thief returned 20,000 ETH from the FAKE_CoinDash account to one of the real CoinDash’s ETH accounts. It can also be seen that 160 days ago—in September 19, 2017, the same FAKE_CoinDash account sent 10,000 ETH back to the same CoinDash account. That brings the total to 30,000 Jan 21, 2017 · - Stop managing your investments with spreadsheets! Cryptocurrency investing leveraging the social graph COINDASH enables you to benchmark your portfolio's performance against others, share trading achievements, follow and invest like the best crypto investors and become a superstar! Jul 20, 2017 · CoinDash is a 3 tire platform for new and experienced traders. Ram Avissar Director of Community and Marketing The first tier the platform helps you manage your portfolio and gives you yet to be seen an analysis of your performance against the market.

Teraz získala ďalších 20-tisíc. Z celkovo odcudzených 43 400 jednotiek si teda zločinec nechal ešte 13 400. 07.12.2018 1) Většina asijských akciových trhů dnes stoupla, když se investoři soustředili na novinky týkající se obchodní politiky mezi Spojenými státy a Čínou a také na informace o tom, že by americká centrální banka (Fed) mohla snížit frekvenci zvyšování sazeb. Ďalej vysvetľujú, že hackeri mohli nahradiť peňaženku adresy použité pre fundraising s vlastnou, a dať CoinDash, ktorého webové stránky bol hacknut a peňaženka adresa zmenila, ako príklad.

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Coindash CDT price graph info 24 hours, 7 day, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year. Prices denoted in BTC, USD, EUR, CNY, RUR, GBP.

Je bezpečné vyjsť ?: No, určite to vyzeralo, akoby sa ponor zmenil na odraz. Ale či to bol odraz mesiaca, alebo odraz mŕtve mačky, nemôžeme skutočne povedať. Či tak alebo onak, trh je … Výdělek online pasivního příjmu nebyl nikdy snadný, ale s příchodem bitcoinů, blockchainu a dalších kryptoměn se věci jasně změnily. „Snadný“ příjem z příjmu však také vedl mnoho lidí » Novinky.